







Our Services

Destination Ukraine offers a range of services including ground transportation to and within Ukraine, security en route, accommodation in various cities, interpreters in multiple languages, office/warehouse search and staffing, corporate relocation, event planning, local company formation, and more. They also offer additional services based on specific needs and requests of their clients.


Ground transport to Ukraine from Poland, Romania, Hungary or Slovakia, either by train, motorcoach or auto. Transportation within Ukraine.

Interpreters/ Fixers

  • Interpreters (English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, others upon request)
  • Fixers Do you have problems or issues that require someone with language skills, local knowledge, and connections? We have experience providing fixers worldwide.


Workforce/ Corporate Relocation
Our team of relocation specialists have deep experience at corporate relocation all over the world. We offer a menu of services, so that you can tailor the most suitable program.

  • Apartment search
  •  Dual language contracts
  • Standardization
  • Financial management of contracts and services
  • Welcome packages
  • Cleaning
  • Checkin/ Checkout


We provide accommodation in Ukraine, Poland, and neighboring nations, including Warsaw, Krakow, Rzeszow, Lviv, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, and other cities. We offer 2-5 star hotels, select private apartments for short- stay and longer term accommodation. We also provide corporate relocation services


If you need security traveling to Ukraine from nearby countries and /or while staying within Ukraine, our team will manage across borders and during your stay.


When your apartment(s) are selected, our legal team negotiates the terms of the lease for your benefit. The contract will be provided with an English language translation

Factory Locations/ Warehouses

Destination Ukraine will help you locate alternatives and select locations for your operations. Our legal team will work hand-in-glove to provide legal support.


Destination Ukraine will help you to isolate the best locations for your operations in cities throughout Ukraine. We will represent your interests, negotiate terms, and write the contract according to Ukrainian law.


Destination Ukraine will negotiate the terms and write all contracts for our customers in Ukraine in Ukrainian with an English language translation.